Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stepping out of the "Safe Zone": My Journey into Makeup

When I first got started in application and wearing makeup, I did what most girls do, sticking to  the "safe" colors of browns, pinks and golds and little bit of black eyeliner and that was it. As time passed on and YouTube became popular, I stumbled upon tutorials with daring colors and techniques that made me run to my makeup kit and make a bigger, bolder line, a deeper darker crease and flash of color on the lid and BAM! I was hooked.

The first video I replicated was Sarah Victor's Classic Pin Up video. Simple, not flashy, but definitely different from my day- to- day. Then I subscribed and checked out other looks she did and was blown away each time. Shortly after checking her videos, was subscribing to new channels left and right. Craving new looks, approaches in application, product multi-tasking, and even product reviews.  As time passed on, I had a collection of Beauty Guru's in my arsenal that still school me with the color combos and executions they used.  

As time went on, I tried new approaches, invested in brushes and makeup, I've had a few friends ask me,"how did you do your eye make up?!" or I'd get "I love it! But would be too scared to try that!"  (usually that's with colors of bright blues, forest greens, and even orange and yellows!) But as I told them "Yes you CAN"! And within that group some have even asked me to go shopping with them when they get makeup and show them out of the "safe zone". 

It can be hard to step out of that warm and fuzzy safe zone we create. We're all creatures of habit. We all do it, even with small things that we don't think about. Like when we go to our favorite restaurant and want to try a new dish but get cold feet and order what we already know and comfortable with and then are a tad bit bummed out that we didn't try the special. But that's life. It's trial and error with a risk. Point being is that if we don't take the risk, we'll never know the outcome. There have been numerous times where I've tried and look and Holy Calzones! It did NOT go the way I thought it would! So I either tried to fix it or start all over.  But I wouldn't have known unless I tried. With each new video and inspirational picture I find on Pinterest, its a new challenge for me and I want to be able to not just be able to do it, but to share it with others like you who want to educate themselves and keep learning because not all techniques work with everyone.

Here are some tips that helped me and my friends step out of the "Safe Zone": 

1.) Educate! Watch videos of different beauty guru's - I've learned so much from them and their bold looks! Plus its a great way to keep up with trends!

2.) Look at your beauty bag/ box/ stash - Figure out what colors you have the most of. I've noticed with my friends I've helped, its usually light pastel colors of blue, purple and pinks and 1 edgy color of i.e. Turquoise, purple, or green. and normally that's an eyeliner. (and there is nothing wrong with that!) 

Then from what you learned about your makeup, take the most frequent color and go a few shade darker and/or brighter. You'll be able to integrate it into what you have and get the creative juices flowing!

3.) Eventually invest in some brushes. - Those sponge tip applicators just can't do the job of blending out colors in a particular look. The only thing I use sponge tip applicators on is when I need to pack on a color in one particular spot. (But if you can do it, more power to ya!)

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